Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

materi pelajaran bahasa inggris dasar

English Elementary
English is very easy and interesting

Auxiliary adalah kata kerja bantu yang digunakan untuk membentuk kalimat agar memiliki gramatis tertentu.
Auxiliary digunakan bersama-sama dengan verb (kata kerja) lainnya untuk membantu
mengekspresikan arti, atau digunakan tanpa verb (kata kerja) lainnya untuk membentuk kalimat
nominal. Auxiliary verb di bagi menjadi 3, yaitu :
A.1. To Be
To Be adalah kata kerja bantu yang berupa : is, am, are, was, were, be, been, being.
Example : I am a student = I am adalah To be
A.2. To do
To do adalah kata kerja bantu yang berupa : do, does, did.
Example : she does not come here = does adalah to do
A.3. To have
To Have adalah kata kerja bantu yang berupa : have, has, had.
Example : he has taken a book = has adalah To Have
Kalimat/sentence adalah kumpulan kata-kata yang terdiri dari subyek dan predikat.
Kalimat dalam bahasa inggris dibedakan menjadi 2 yaitu :
1. kalimat nominal
kalimat nominal yaitu kalimat yang predikatny berupa auxiliary verb.
Example : - he is handsome
- she is student
Adjective noun adverb
- adjective : kata sifat
contoh : handsome, beautiful, clever, smart, etc.
- noun : kata benda
contoh : book, pencil, pen, etc.
- adverb : kata keterangan
contoh : here, there, at home, in the office, etc.
2. kalimat verbal
kalimat verbal yaitu kalimatnya yang berupa kata kerja aktif.
Example : - I speak English
- She speaks English

A. GREETINGS ( salam)
1. formal way ( cara resmi )
- good morning
- good afternoon
- good evening
- good day
- good night
- hello, good morning
- hello, good afternoon sir
- hello, good evening Mom
- hello, morning Mr. Ali
- hello, good day Miss. Diana
catatan : good night hanya dipakai ketika pergi/ akan tidur
2. informal way ( cara tidak resmi/kurang resmi)
- hi, hello
- morning ani
- hello, good evening Arman
- Bye-bye
Introduction Our Selves
♠ I would like to introduce my self to you.
My name is…………. I am from…………
♠ Could I introduce my self to you.
My name is…………. I am from…………
♠ Can I introduce my self to you.
My name is………….. I am from………...
♠ I want to introduce my self to you.
My name is…………... I am from………..
♠ Hi…………. / Hello Guys………………..
I am………………….. from……………..
A. Asking condition in a formal way
- How are you today?
- How do you do?
- How’s Mr. Ahmad’s health now?
- Would you tell me about Mr. Ali’s business?
- I am all right. Thank you.
- I am fine. Thank you.
- I am very well. Thank you.
- Mr. Ahmad is getting better now.
- It is hard to say. I think Mr. Ali businesses is rather going down.
Catatan: How do you do hanya di pakai pada saat perkenalan dan jawabannya juga sama How do you do
C. Asking condition in an informal way
- How are you? How are today?
- How is life?/ How is your life?
- How are you doing?
- How is everything?
- How are things?
- Is everything all right / fine / OK?
- Is everything under control?
- Are you doing okay?
- Doing okay?
- Have you been all right?
- How are you getting on?
- How are you getting along?
- How is it with you?
- Fine thanks.
- Very well thanks.
- Not too bad.
- So so.
- Not too well.
- Great.
- Okay.
- All right.
- It could be worse.
- Wonderful
- Everything is under control.
- Not too fit.
- Sure thing I am.


Close Friend Vs Girl/Boy Friend

You are boy/ girl. You have a boy/girl friend, and in his/ her birthday’s party, your relationship will be announced to all family. The preparations have already been ready. But at the same time your close friend gets accident. He/ she is in hospital now. He/ she is almost dead. He/ she needs you very much. So if you are in this position/ situation, what will you do?
a. You attend to your boy/ girl friend’s party, so you let your friend in hospital.
b. You go to hospital to accompany your friend, so you let your boy/ girl friend.

Future : Masa depan
Expectation : Harapan
Loyalty : Kesetiaan
Temptation : Cobaan
Couple Married : Jodoh
Clouse friend : Sahabat dekat
Sacrifice : Pengorbanan
Self righteous : Harga diri
Confusing : Membingungkan
Credibility : Kredibilitas
Embarrassing : Memalukan
Guilty : Merasa bersalah
Betray : Mengkhianati
Dying : Sekarat


A. How to Say Days
There are seven days in a week
Sunday Thursday
Monday Friday
Tuesday Saturday
Examples :
- today is Monday. How about tomorrow?
Tomorrow is Tuesday.
- today is Friday. How about yesterday?
Yesterday was Thursday but tomorrow is Saturday.
- today is Wednesday. How about two days later?
Two days later is Friday. How about the day before?
The day before is Tuesday.
B. how to say Dates ( cara mengatakan tanggal)
ada 2 versi :
a. american style
June 4th, 1987 : june fourth, nineteen eighty seven.
Contoh dalam kalimat :
Roni was born on june the fourth,nineteen eighty seven.
b. british style
6th april 1990 : the sixth if april nineteen ninety.
Contoh dalam kalimat :
What is the date? It is april sixth
C. how to say time
jam 1 pagi : one o’clock AM
jam 1 siang : one o’clock PM
jam 10 pagi : ten O’clock AM
jam 8 malam : eight o’clock PM
jam 6:30 pagi : a half past 6 AM atau six thirty AM
jam 7:45 malam : a quarter to eight PM atau a quarter before eight atau seven forty
five AM
jam 11:10 pagi : ten minutes past eleven atau ten minutes after eleven atau eleven
ten AM
D. How to Say Months
There are twelve months in a year
January July
February August
March September
April October
May November
June December
- What is the first month of the year?
- The first month of the year in January.
- What month is it?
- It is April.
- What month was the last month?
- Last month was March
- What month is the next month?
- The next month is May.

Cardinal Numbers Ordinal Numbers
1 : One 1 : First
2 : Two 2 : Second
3 : Three 3 : Third
4 : Four 4 : Fourth
5 : Five 5 : Fifth
6 : Six 6 : Sixth
7 : Seven 7 : Seventh
8 : Eight 8 : Eighth
9 : Nine 9 : Ninth
10 : Ten 10 : Tenth
11 : Eleven 11 : Eleventh
12 : Twelve 12 : Twelfth
13 : Thirteen 13 : Thirteenth
14 : Fourteen 14 : Fourteenth
15 : Fifteen 15 : Fifteenth
16 : Sixteen 16 : Sixteenth
17 : Seventeen 17 : Seventeenth
18 : Eighteen 18 : Eighteenth
19 : Nineteen 19 : Nineteenth
20 : Twenty 20 : Twentieth

+ → Plus : tambah : → Divide : bagi
- → Minus : kurang = → Equal/ is : sama dengan
X → Times : kali
5 + 5 = 10
→ Five plus five equals ten
→ Five plus five is ten